13 research outputs found

    El concepto de anisomorfismos cultural en el ámbito jurídico: concepto y aplicaciones traductológicas sobre la legislación española en comparación con la marroquí

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    En este artículo pretendemos hacer hincapié en la relevancia de la documentación para resolver problemas relacionados con la traducción de anisomorfismos culturales en textos jurídicos (árabe-español / español-árabe).G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Second trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders in Bangladesh

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    Background: Amniocentesis is characteristically carried out under ultra-sonographic control, between 15 and 17 weeks of pregnancy. The term prenatal diagnosis firmly comprises all diagnostic modalities aimed at gaining information about the embryo. Its history includes the development of cytogenetic, molecular genetics and molecular cytogenetic methods. Prenatal diagnosis is now possible for a considerable number of genetic diseases and/or birth defects using a variety of techniques. Objective was to evaluate the safety, feasibility and outcome of second trimester amniocentesis for prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders.Methods: This was a descriptive study, conducted at fetal medicine center, Family Care Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh from June 2014 to December 2019. A total of 350 pregnant women had undergone 15-20 week’s transabdominal amniocentesis under real-time ultrasound guidance. A 23 gm/ 88 mm spinal needle was used. The needle was passed though the maternal abdomen into the amniotic cavity in its longitudinal direction. Once the needle was adequately placed, the amniotic fluid is aspirated with a suction force through a 20 cc syringe. All amniocentesis was performed with “two operators” technique.Results: A total of 350 Amniocentesis were done. Beta thalassemia was most common (79.7%). Followed by aneuploidy (10.2%), hemophilia (6.2%), SMA (2.0%), DMD (1.7%), hematoma (7%), intra amniotic bleeding (2%) and per vaginal bleeding (2.8%). 3.7% aspiration was difficult due to fibroid and retroverted uterus. The overall aspiration success rate was 100%.Conclusions: Second trimester transabdominal amniocentesis in an outdoor setting with the help of real-time sonography is a safe procedure with no significant risk to the mother and the fetus

    Prevalence and characteristics of polycystic ovarian syndrome in women attending in outpatient department of obstetrics and gynecology of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

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    Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a heterogenous, multifactorial, complex genetic disorder. Most commonly, it affects the females of reproductive age. This is one of the most widespread diseases across the world and if left untreated, may result in infertility and even uterine cancer. Methods: A cross sectional observation study of 100 PCOS patients was carried out from August 2018 to July 2019 in gynecology out-patient department of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib medical university, Dhaka. In this study clinical, biochemical and hormonal profile of these patients were analyzed and correlation was done between clinical features and biochemical and hormonal profile. Results: The prevalence of PCOS was 6.11% in the gynecology out-patient visits and 35.39% among infertile women. The mean age group of the patients was 24.3±5.16 SD. The mean BMI was 24.66±5.34 SD. The mean duration of infertility was 5.17 years. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in our study was 15.0%. In this study menstrual irregularity was the most common complaint. Spearman’s correlation between various clinical and laboratory parameters showed positive correlation exists between BMI and testosterone (r=0.4824; p<0.0001).Conclusions: The study showed that most of our polycystic ovary syndrome subjects were present with oligomenorrhea. Hirsutism and central obesity were also common presentation. Obese women with PCOS had more severe ovulatory dysfunction and need more attention for their appropriate management.

    Anémie de fanconi au CHU Hassan II Fès: à propos de 6 observations

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    L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie récessive associée à une instabilité chromosomique, elle est marquée par une hétérogénéité phénotypique qui inclut une insuffisance médullaire, un syndrome malformatif variable, une prédisposition à développer des leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM) et une hypersensibilité cellulaire aux agents pontant l'ADN. Le diagnostic est basé sur l'augmentation anormale du taux de cassures chromosomiques spontanées mais surtout, et de manière spécifique, sur une augmentation nette de ces cassures chromosomiques en présence d'agents alkylants bifonctionnels, ce qui est le cas pour nos six patients. Le conseil génétique rejoint celui des maladies autosomiques récessives. Nous rapportons nos premières observations au CHU Hassan II Fès, confirmées par la mise en évidence d'une grande instabilité chromosomique après culture sous Mitomycine C en comparaison avec un témoin normal. Le but de cet article est la mise à jour de nos connaissances sur la génétique de l'Anémie de Fanconi et à travers ces six observations nous illustrons le rôle de la cytogénétique dans le diagnostic et le conseil génétique pour une meilleure prise en charge aussi bien des enfants atteints que de leurs familles

    Syndromes microdélétionnels (syndrome de Williams et syndrome de la délétion 22q11) au CHU Hassan II de Fès: à propos de 3 observations

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    Les syndromes microdélétionnels sont définis par la présence d’une anomalie chromosomique de taille mineure (inférieure à 5 mégabases) ou aneusomie segmentaire, décelable par cytogénétique moléculaire (FISH : Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization). Les syndromes microdélétionnels représentent des syndromes cliniques avec des phénotypes suffisamment caractéristiques pour être reconnus cliniquement. Actuellement la FISH est la technique de choix pour rechercher ces syndromes. Plusieurs syndromes microdélétionnels peuvent être confirmés aisément, les plus recherchés sont Le syndrome de Williams (microdélétion en 7q11.23) et le syndrome de la délétion 22q11 (microdélétion en 22q11.2). Le syndrome de Williams est caractérisé par une anomalie du développement qui associe un retard psycho-moteur, une dysmorphie du visage évocatrice et un profil cognitif et comportemental spécifique, une sténose aortique supravalvulaire -SASV- le plus souvent. Le Syndrome de la délétion 22q11 se caractérise par l’association de plusieurs malformations d’expression variable: une cardiopathie congénitale de type conotroncal, une dysmorphie faciale discrète mais caractéristique et une hypoplasie du thymus et des parathyroïdes. Nous rapportons nos premières observations au CHU Hassan II confirmées par FISH : Syndrome de la délétion 22q11 (n:2) et un syndrome de Williams. Le but de cet article est la mise à jour de nos connaissances sur ces deux syndromes et la mise en valeur du rôle de la cytogénétique moléculaire dans le diagnostic et le conseil génétique des syndromes microdélétionnels

    La traducción de los anisomorfismos culturales en el ámbito jurídico: aplicaciones al derecho marroquí en comparación con el derecho francés y español

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    La presente tesis doctoral es el resultado de un trabajo que se enmarca dentro de una línea de investigación, en traducción y terminología jurídicas. Se trata de una comparación entre el derecho español y marroquí con la finalidad de resaltar tres lenguajes jurídicos: el español, el francés y el árabe, y sobre todo, el tratamiento que reciben los “culturemas” y los “anisomorfismos culturales” en el proceso de elaboración de glosarios de términos judiciales

    Role of single dose prophylactic antibiotic in elective caesarean section

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    Background: Maternal morbidity related to infection after caesarean section has been reported to be higher than that of vaginal delivery. The prevention of infection in patients undergoing caesarean section is a major challenge, particularly in hospitals, where there is frequent chance of cross infection due to overcrowding. Objective: The present study was undertaken to see the efficacy of single dose cetriaxone as a prophylaxis in elective caesarean section to prevent postop­erative infection. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted on 100 patients who underwent elective caesarean section where single dose of Ceftriaxone was used as prophylaxis in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Bang­abandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Hospital, between January to June 2010. The outcomes measures were post­operative febrile morbidity, wound infe-ction and other infections (urinary tract infection, chest infection). Data were analysed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 11.5.Results: Over one-third (38%) patients age group was between 18 -25 years, 56% in between 25 -35 years and 6% were over 35 years old. Nearly half(46%) was anemic (haemoglobin< 11 g/dl) and 16% was obese (BMI?28 kg/m2). All the patients were operated by obstetricians of same level. Three per cent patients developed wound infection, 5% developed other infections like UTI and chest infection and 7% had febrile illness. Among the several factors suspected to be associated with post operative complications, preoperative anaemia, long duration of operation (>60 minutes) and prolonged hospital stay (>1 week) were found to be significantly assocated with postoperative complications.Conclusion: The present study suggests that single dose prophylactic antibiotic ceftriaxone given 1 hour before operation in patients with cesarean section deliveries reduces the chance of postoperative infection to a bare minimum